Student Records And Directory Information
Policy |
Holliston Public Schools will as a rule keep confidentiality as a strong underlying principle in all its policies and procedures relating to educational records. The Holliston School Committee intends that information will be released only when it serves the best interest of the student and the Holliston School Department.
Directory Information:
It is the policy of the Holliston School Committee that, when appropriate, directory information may be released without parental consent, unless the parent/guardian has objected to such release. Parent/guardian will be given the opportunity annually to request that directory information not be released to any third party, including school-based organizations, without specific consent. (Directory information consists of any of the following: a student’s name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, email or other social media address, major field of study, dates of attendance, weight and height of members of athletic teams, class, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, honors and awards, and post-high school plans.) Principal or designee may release directory information to educationally based groups or organizations for purposes deemed by the principal to be in the interest of the students and the school. Groups and organizations receiving this information will not be allowed to release lists to other parties or use the information for any other reason than the expressed purpose approved by the principal. The principal may require the group or organization to sign a statement so agreeing to these provisions.
Student Records:
The Holliston Schools may release student records without specific consent of parent/guardian to a school to which a current student is applying or in which a former student has enrolled. Parent/guardian will be given the opportunity annually to withdraw consent for such release.
State and federal laws define how these records must be kept in regard to confidentiality, inspection, amendment, and destruction. The superintendent will provide for the proper administration of student records in keeping with state and federal requirements.
First Reading: November 18, 1999
Second Reading: December 2, 1999
Third Reading: December 16, 1999
Policy Adopted: December 16, 1999
Policy Amended: November 1, 2013
Legal References: M.G.L. c. 66, s. 10; c. 71, s. 34A,B,D,E; 603 CMR 23:00-23:12
Policy Cross Reference: JRB (Student Lists)
Procedure Reference: